Saturday, February 10, 2007

Chapel Schedule

I was just looking at the chapel schedule here at SBTS this semester, and I'm thankful that I'm a part of an institution that invites such godly men to preach the Word. I always look forward to our chapel services. Also, I'll have the opportunity to hear some of my favorite preachers, which means that I'm especially excited about the schedule.

In light of that, I admit that I have found that some of the "no names" have been the most edifying to me, men whose names you wouldn't know but who have nonetheless preached the Word mightily and with such great conviction that great truths of Scripture were made manifest to me in fresh ways.

In either case, may the Lord add His blessing to the reading and the preaching of the Word this semester!

Please Click here to check out the chapel schedule. If you're anywhere near Louisville on Tuesday or Thursday, I'd encourage you to drop by to attend our chapel services at 10:00 AM.

I'd also encourage you to pray for each of these men during the semester. I just printed off the list, and I plan to pray specifically for the men whose names are found there. I also encourage you to pray regularly and fervently for the pastor of your local church, too. I can assure you that he always stands in need of your prayers.

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