Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Dr. Moore on Southern Culture

I'm a storyteller, and I enjoy being one. By storytelling, I'm not referring to lying. Instead, I refer to what Dr. Moore referenced in a recent post on southern culture on the Henry Institute website, entitled "Reading Southern Culture": "Southerners are storytellers and myth-makers, and the ethos of the South can be better felt than analyzed." He's right, and my southern roots never show so much as when I relate the experiences of my dear Aunt Linda (from Williamsburg, KY) or tell the story of an eye-opening encounter involving a food pantry. Dr. Moore hits the nail on the head when he writes that southern culture is "better felt than analyzed," and I like the feeling.

So, take a minute or two and read Dr. Moore's latest entry, preferably with a Mason jar of sweet tea at hand. In the meantime, I'm going back to work after being on break. I hope you enjoy the read!

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